Our Work
Changing the dynamics of conflict and humanitarian action

Our Programs
Conflict Dynamics’ initiatives are organized into two intersecting program areas to develop and implement innovative strategies for conflict prevention and resolution, and for humanitarian policy relevant to conflicts and other crises. These program areas are: Humanitarian Action and Peace Action.
Conflict Dynamics’ humanitarian policy initiatives currently focus on humanitarian engagement and access, and achieving accountability for violations against children in armed conflict.

The District Peace Committees have helped us in solving conflicts and providing us early warning information to quickly identify and resolve conflicts before they escalate into violent clan conflict... They are a critical element in the relationship between the community and our administration and we are very thankful for their voluntary work.
Mohamed Ma’alim Ahmed
Hudur District Administration Chairman
Political Accommodation
Political Accommodation in conflict-affected societies is a primary focus of Conflict Dynamics’ peacemaking and peacebuilding work. Approaches to Political Accommodation have been applied successfully to support conciliation of political interests in the Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, and Syria.